Mental health

Productivity Guilt

Productivity Guilt

In today's fast-paced society, productivity is often seen as a measure of success and self-worth. This cultural emphasis can lead to what many of us experience as "productivity guilt" – the nagging feeling that we're not doing enough, not achieving enough, and not...

Fleeing Feelings

Fleeing Feelings

Try to go with the flow of your emotions. Dealing with challenging emotions is an inevitable part of life, and it's natural to want to escape from the discomfort they bring. In this article, we will explore common strategies people use to flee from their feelings and...

Fear of change

Fear of change

Change is an inevitable part of life that can evoke a range of emotions within us. We can’t always control change, but we can control the way we deal with it. For some, change is exciting and full of possibility, while for others, it can be a source of anxiety and...